Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that hospice care can be a difficult topic to discuss, and you may have a lot of questions. Our goal is to provide you with clear and helpful answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about hospice care. Whether you're seeking hospice care for yourself or a loved one, we hope this FAQ section will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your care. If you have any additional questions we haven’t addressed here, please contact us at (760) 318-0554.

What is hospice care?

Hospice care is a type of end-of-life care that focuses on managing pain and symptoms, improving quality of life, and providing emotional and spiritual support to patients and their families.

How long can a patient receive hospice care?

Hospice care is typically provided for six months or less, but patients can receive hospice care for as long as they meet eligibility criteria and continue to have a life-limiting illness.

When is hospice care appropriate?

Hospice care is appropriate when a patient has a life-limiting illness and is no longer seeking curative treatment.

Can family members be involved in the care of their loved one on hospice?

Yes, family members are encouraged to be involved in the care of their loved ones on hospice. Hospice providers offer support and education to family members to help them understand their roles and responsibilities in caring for their loved one.

How is hospice care paid for?

Hospice care is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and many private insurance plans. If you need financial assistance, please get in touch with us.

How often will a hospice team visit?

The frequency of hospice visits will depend on the patient's needs and the care plan that has been developed. Hospice providers typically visit patients several times a week, but the frequency of visits may increase or decrease depending on the patient's condition.